Draft Incubator
"Nobody knows the writer’s intent as well as the writer and, thus, nobody can direct the work to our intention more deliberately than we can."
The Writing Challenge
To revise a draft after considering reader feedback
Upload your draft to the Internet.
You may post your draft to a public site, e.g. Tumblr. We suggest you make commenting available so that commenters will be able to give feedback right after reading your story.
Alternatively, you may put your draft in an online document that can be shared, e.g. in a Google Doc. We suggest you turn on commenting for the people whom you invite to give feedback.
Share it with your feedback panel.
You may ask the Story Sandbox network to comment on your draft. By using the hashtag, #DraftIncubator, those who are part of the community will be able to view your work and give feedback if they wish.
You may also form a group of writers who want to do the challenge together. Comment on each other's work.
Or, simply, send some friends the link to your story and ask them for feedback.
Revise as you deem appropriate. You may opt to revise after receiving individual feedback or wait to collect feedback to address in bulk.
Guidelines for public posting
You may post your output any way you like. But, if you'd like to benefit from the Story Sandbox community, you'd need to help us see your work! Please follow the guidelines for the respective platform you're using.
Follow the Story Sandbox Tumblr blog if you haven't yet.
Post your exercise output.
Include your output, tag @story-sandbox, and include the hashtag, #DraftIncubator.
Optional: Create a poster image with your personal branding. We suggest using Canva to produce the image for your post.
Follow the Story Sandbox Twitter account if you haven't yet.
Post your exercise output.
Include your output, tag @Story_Sandbox, and include the hashtag, #DraftIncubator.
Optional: Create a poster image with your personal branding. We suggest using Canva to produce the image for your post.
Like the Story Sandbox Facebook page if you haven't yet.
Post your exercise output.
Include your output, tag @storysandbox.org, and include the hashtag, #DraftIncubator.
Optional: Create a poster image with your personal branding. We suggest using Canva to produce the image for your post.
Follow the Story Sandbox Instagram account if you haven't yet.
Post your exercise output.
Include your output, tag @StorySandbox, and include the hashtag, #DraftIncubator.
Optional: Create a poster image with your personal branding. We suggest using Canva to produce the image for your post.
A few notes:
By publicly posting your exercise output, tagging the official Story Sandbox account, and the using the challenge's hashtag, you give Story Sandbox permission to repost your output on its website and social media channels, along with proper attribution.
Afraid of posting because your output might be reused without attribution? Create a poster image with your own branding. It won't stop every idea thief, but it might deter some.